[box_title font_size= »25″ border= »bottom » border_color= »#cdcdcd »]CATEGORIES SLIDER[/box_title]
[products_categories_slider title= »Categories Shop » category= »0,  » per_page= »-1″]
[space height= »30″]
[box_title font_size= »15″]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • title: title of the block
  • items: number of items per page
  • category: one or more categories will be shown
  • show counter: whether to show the total elements number
  • autoplay: autoplay slider(yes/no)
  • hide empty: whether to hide the block when contains no elements
  • order by: sorting type (default/alphabetically/most recent/price)
  • sorting: sorting direction (asc/desc)
  • animation: animation slider
  • animation delay: animation delay slider
[space height= »30″]
[box_title font_size= »25″ border= »bottom »]PRODUCT CATEGORIES[/box_title]
[products_categories category= »0, « ][space height= »30 »]
[box_title font_size= »15″]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • title: title of the block
  • per page: number of items per page
  • category: one or more categories will be shown
  • show counter: whether to show the total elements number
  • hide empty: whether to hide the block when contains no elements
  • order by: sorting type (default/alphabetically/most recent/price)
  • order: sorting direction (asc/desc)
[box_title font_size= »25″ border= »bottom »]SHOW PRODUCTS[/box_title]
[show_products per_page= »4″ category= »cheeses,dessert,gift-boxes,oil-and-vinegar,pasta,starters »]
[box_title font_size= »15″]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • per_page: number of items to show
  • layout: select the layout of products (default/flip/zoom)
  • category: whether to show all or chosen category
  • show: the kind of products(all/featured/on_sale)
  • order by: sorting type (rand/alphabetically/most recent/price/sales)
  • order: sorting direction (asc/desc)
  • hide_free: select to hide free products (yes/no)
  • show_hidden: select to show hidden products (yes/no)
[space height= »30″][box_title font_size= »25″ border= »bottom » border_color= »#cdcdcd »]Product Slider[/box_title]
[products_slider title= »Must Have » per_page= »5″ category= »cheeses,dessert,gift-boxes,oil-and-vinegar,pasta,starters » layout= »zoom » animation_delay= »0″]
[space height= »60″][box_title font_size= »25″ border= »bottom »]CREDIT CARDS[/box_title]
[credit_card type= »amazon, amex, amex_gold, amex_green, amex_silver, apple, bank, cash, chase, coupon, credit, debit, discover, discover_novus, echeck, generic_1, generic_2, generic_3, gift, gold, googleckout, itunes, itunes_2, itunes_3, mastercard, mileage, paypal, sapphire, solo, visa, « ]
[space height= »30″][box_title font_size= »25″ border= »bottom » border_color= »#cdcdcd »]Product Tabs[/box_title]

[products_tabs title_1= »BEST SELLER » per_page_1= »7″ animation_delay= »0″ title_2= »FEATURED » per_page_2= »7″ title_3= »ON SALES » per_page_3= »7″ product_in_a_row_1= »4″ category_1= »null » show_1= »all » orderby_1= »sales » order_1= »desc » animate= » » product_in_a_row_2= »4″ category_2= »null » show_2= »all » orderby_2= »rand » order_2= »desc » product_in_a_row_3= »4″ category_3= »null » show_3= »onsale » orderby_3= »rand » order_3= »desc » ]

[box_title font_size= »15″ border_color= »#cdcdcd »]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • title_n: the title of n tab (i.e. title_1 = ‘Accessories’)
  • per_page_n: set the number of element to show on n tab
  • category_n: the category slug to show on n tab
  • order_by_n: sorting type (rand/alphabetically/most recent/price/sales)
  • order_n: sorting direction (asc/desc)